Catherine Keir
— Registered Counselor & Voice Dialogue —
In 1979, Catherine Keir met Hal and Sidra Stone , who inspired her to work with this tool for the purpose of her own self understanding. Her career as a professional actor in San Francisco empowered her in her appreciation of the Voice Dialogue method as a way of accessing the dynamics in her life. This tool was a support in dealing with the crisis that appeared when her life moved in new directions.
In1987 Catherine began her career in Voice Dialogue as a professional facilitator in California. She now has a private practice in Seattle, WA as a Certified Counselor and travels internationally as a facilitator and trainer. She works with both individuals and couples to assist with personal growth and positive change.
Catherine has an academic background in Theatre. She has devoted herself to the awakening process and is certified with the Academy of Intuitive Studies in Sausalito, CA. Some of her main teachers in life have been Dr. Brugh Joy, Carolyn Conger, Ph.d., and Joseph Heller of Hellerwork.
Catherine travels internationally to teach and facilitate people in Switzerland. She is on the faculty of the Institute of Structural Medicine in Twisp, WA and trains bodyworkers in the dialogue and listening process.